Entries by nicola

FluidRay RT 0.9.9 Released

We just released FluidRay RT 0.9.9, you can get it in the download page. This version adds a ton of new features, in particular: Unbiased real-time volumetrics with multiple scattering Real-time image post-processing, allowing to change rendering output on the fly without starting over the rendering. Same of the operations available: Tone mapping, Color scaling, […]

Unbiased Volumetrics

We just finished implementing full unbiased volumetrics with multiple scattering in the PathTraceIntegrator. Here is a image rendered using the metropolis sampler. Please note the halo around the lights and the god-rays coming through the plant on the left. As usual you can tweak all the properties of participating media in real-time. Volumetrics will be […]

New tutorials on Light Channels and Instancer

We updated all the tutorials to reflect the changes in the recent releases. You can check them out in the help page. In particular, we explain how to generate multiple light outputs and how to use the instancer node to create scenes with high complexity: Light Channels Instancer Node

Starting FluidRay RT from command line

With the latest version of FluidRay RT it’s possible to import files directly from the command line. First of all, you need to find the installation location of the executable file fluidrayrt.exe. For example, it could be in C:\Program Files\FluidInteractive\FluidRay RT Demo x64\fluidrayrt.exe. You could then import a file from command line by calling C:\Program […]

FluidRay RT 0.9.8 Released

We just released FluidRay RT 0.9.8. You can get it here New features include: Easier import of scenes from the File Menu (File->Import) Many new import formats. The supported formats now include: Alias Wavefront (.obj), SketchUp (*.skp), Rhino OpenNurbs (*.3dm), Collada (*.dae), FBX (*.fbx) , 3DS (*.3ds, *.ase), DirectX (.X), Stanford PLY (*.ply). Note: SketchUp […]