FluidRay RT 1.0 is now available, you can get it here.
As a bonus, we also added a new Texture Pack, with hundreds of seamless textures. You can get it here.
New improvements in this release:
- Extensive documentation accessible through the help menu
- Node Reference (Right click on the nodes -> NodeReference)
- Updated getting started guide
- The library has been expanded with a ton of new textures and materials
- Texture Multiply
- Sort items lexicographically in the menu add
- Added min-max parameters in the procedural textures Fbm, Turbolence and Windy
- Circle procedural texture
- Fixed materials showing the wrong connections
- Fixed a lot of bugs causing crashes
- Speed improvements
- Improved selection quality
- Improved antialiasing quality
- Improved path trace integrator, reducing fireflies and improving convergence